You can edit the following information related to your Builder account:
- First and Last Name
- Password
First and Last Name
By default, your First and Last Name are entered when your account is created. You can change your name at any time when logged into the system.
To change your name:
- Log into the application.
- In the top right, click your username, then select Account to open the Edit Account page.
- On the Edit Account page, enter your desired first and last name in the following fields:
- Name: first name
- Last Name: last name
- Click SAVE.
Along with your name, you can also change your password from the Edit Account page at any time when logged into the system.
To change your password:
- Log into the application.
- In the top right, click your username, then select Account to open the Edit Account page.
- On the Edit Account page, enter your new password in the Password field, then enter it again in the Password Confirmation field.
See Password Requirements below. - Click SAVE.
NOTE: If you’re logged out of the system and can’t remember your password, click the FORGET PASSWORD button on the Login page to have an email sent to you so you can reset your password.
Password Requirements
At a minimum, your password must:
- Be at least eight characters long
- Contain at least three of the following:
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Digits
- Spaces or these special characters: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ + = { } [ ] | : ; " ' < > , . ? /
- Not contain more than two identical characters in a row
Additional Tips
A strong password is one that you can remember, but that is very difficult to guess (by either another person or a computer).
Consider using a longer phrase, but avoid common quotations, song lyrics, names of sports teams, etc. The more random the better. Here are some examples of strong phrases:
- “39 > WALL gravity!”
- “Base solve 0/8 product”
- “art+wheel Slowly7”
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